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I know that i am not perfect and that i cannot please you through my own efforts. You can also listen to talk radio which includes preaching or the discussion of bible topics.

Learn how to a Christian and start a personal

Why not listen to god’s word or christian music instead of pop radio, the news or worldly music.

How to become closer to god as a christian. The 7 r’s to become closer to god are: It will help you to live a more christian life, and become closer to god. (joshua 3:5 esv) the first lesson i learned in marriage, in regards to my relationship with god, was my wife is the greatest threat to it.

If you don't believe in god & religion, please at least respect the ones that do.) now that i've gotten that out of the way. Words of praise and petition are only prayer if they draw you closer to god. Remember, the point of praying is to glorify god, worship him, and to increase your relationship.

The point of prayer is to get closer to god. You pray and you get closer to god. How do i become closer to god, and well, actually become christian?

No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you can become closer to god. So your own faith will grow stronger, including when 2, 3 or more persons agree for god to answer. “consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the lord will do wonders among you”.

It is a matter of heart. So if you are ready to experience and develop a closer relationship with god, i have free resources to teach and guide you on your journey to becoming closer and stronger in your faith with jesus christ. Lord jesus, i know that i have sinned against you.

Reflecting is to look at how god works in. Being spiritual is very important! Stay away from the sinfulness that’s available online.

How to get closerto god in 6 simple steps. Trusting and believing in his words brings a child like faith and a much closer walk with him. Become a lover of his presence not when you need something from him, but because you need him.

Your kingdom com, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It isn’t to get what we want. Praising god first when praying helps you to focus on him and not on yourself.

That means you experience closeness, fellowship, and/or connection with god. God isn’t a vending machine, with prayers going in and answers coming out. To learn how to get closer to god you have to learn that, like that tree, if we do not have a strong root system, we cannot bear fruit and be a light to the world if we are not well rooted (in our case rooted in christ, rooted in our messiah yeshua).

Otherwise, they’re just empty words. This can lead us to understanding god and his word more and becoming closer to god. When we have doubts or questions about god, our initial reaction should be to seek an answer, where it’s through prayer, the word, asking a pastor or a spiritual friend, a sermon, etc.

Take the time, while driving or during down time to get closer to god spiritually. What a magnificent savior we serve! Spend some time with god today, and you will be blessed and refreshed.

Go on personal spiritual retreats. Whether you are seeking a greater purpose in life, are a new believer, or have walked with jesus for a long time, these simple tips will remind you that getting closer to god is just one small act away. “draw nigh to god, and he will draw nigh to you…”.

That's not what i'm asking. When he has rescued us from the miry pit and delivered us from the grips of satan, we have so much to. For god it can work the same way.

I already know there's gonna be at least one comment like that. Read the bible to get a heart for god, not to create a habit. My mom is christian, and i personally believe in god.

You study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. To god in 6 simple steps.